April 25, 2013 — After the horse-meat scandal, experts believe that up to a quarter of cod samples in Dublin have been mislabelled.
Irish people are eating more fish. It's healthy, light in calories, but new research shows we could be eating cheap fish substituted for more expensive species. A recent survey in Europe showed about a quarter to a third of fish products tested were not what was described on the packet or menu.
More worrying is that new species of fish, some which have never been consumed before, are being sold into the fish pies, fish cakes and even fresh fish that we buy.
We know from the shocking Food Safety Authority of Ireland's study in 2011 that up to a quarter of cod samples bought in Dublin restaurants, shops and supermarkets were, in fact, cheaper species.
In the case of smoked cod, nearly 90pc was a different fish.
Read the full story at The Independent