Cape Town — April 17, 2013 — A parliamentary research paper that finds responsibility for fisheries management is “in the wrong hands” has drawn sharp criticism from the African National Congress.
In a statement on Wednesday, ANC chief whip Mathole Motshekga said the ruling party “distances (itself ) from the malicious political views expressed in the… document”.
It said the views expressed in the paper, drawn up by Parliament's research unit ahead of a portfolio committee meeting with Fisheries Minister Tina Joemat-Pettersson, scheduled for Thursday, “do not represent the views of the ANC members in the committee”.
The document – extracts from which were quoted in Business Day on Wednesday – states that the responsibility for fisheries management “is in the wrong hands”.
It further lists mismanaged ships, a lack of research planning, and targets and a strategic plan out of step with the National Development Plan, as problems that must be addressed.