April 3, 2013 — The second Northeast Regional Planning Body (RPB) meeting will be held on April 11-12, 2013 at the Village Inn in Narragansett, RI.
The agenda for this meeting includes the following:
– Identify draft goals for regional ocean planning in New England and mechanisms for receiving public input about those draft goals through early summer.
– Continue discussions about RPB operational considerations, initial products, a work schedule, and engagement activities as regional ocean planning moves forward.
Additional information about the Northeast Regional Planning Body can be found at this website.
The Northeast RPB has the responsibility of developing an ocean plan for New England. At its inaugural meeting in Portland, Maine, in November 2012, members of the RPB (federal agencies, the New England Fisheries Management Council, New England states, and federally-recognized tribes) convened a public meeting to begin discussing ocean planning for New England (a meeting summary is available here). At this upcoming meeting, the RPB will discuss results of preliminary stakeholder engagement efforts to date as specific goals for regional ocean planning in New England are being formed.