March 14, 2013 — On March 5, Cape Cod Community College hosted the Maine to Rhode Island “Who Fishes Matters Tour” of the Northwest Atlantic Maritime Alliance. NAMA came to West Barnstable to gather comments on and support for the proposed Amendment 18 to the fisheries act, which would attempt to preserve small-boat and near-shore commercial fishing in the face of growing consolidation.
“For the first time in decades,” said fisherman Nick Chaprales, “you can’t go out in winter and make a living. Amendment 18 is our last chance to try to push the big boats offshore, and let the stocks recover.”
Individualists all, the captains and their supporters at the meeting agreed that their industry was succumbing to pressures similar to those faced by family farmers pursued by giant agribusiness interests. The global reach of the problem was illustrated by videos presenting fishing industry members from Iceland and South Africa talking about ways they’ve defended small-boat rights.
Read the full story at The Barnstable Patriot